'Untitled' collage. (2020) photography, paper, ink
In the work of Ingmar de Wijk, the artist functions as a translator in service of ORRLA. ORRLA (standing for Obsession, Repetition, Rhythm, Limitations, Autism) Is a series of actions and concepts that bring in the grid of de Wijk's work and simultaneously fill it up. But ORRLA is not just a way of working, ORRLA is a being that is above us all, for which de Wijk tries to find ways to translate it to us, beings drenched in ORRLA. ORRLA becomes a living, growing, thriving theory that finds its translations through rhythmic, repetitious and obsessive images and performances.
In the work of de Wijk, his artistic family is translated through the eyes of ORRLA. He creates characters that are blends of multiple of his influences which then perform their obsessive, repetitive rhythmic, limited and autistic actions. Even de Wijk himself can’t escape the ORRLA flavoured translation and becomes a character in his own work.
Looking at his work, you can sense the ORRLA that surrounds you. By making his characters, images and performances, de Wijk doesn’t just show how he perceives ORRLA, but he makes you, his audience, feel how ORRLA has always surrounded you and will always keep surrounding you.